Summary and Conclusion

According to the evaluations, the construction of a residential town for the above reasons necessarily requires more initial investment than the latter two options, but three points are worth considering and evaluating in the decision:

  • Construction of a residential town It will be possible to receive a temporary loan in the amount of 3,000,000 Rials per residential unit.
  • It is also possible to pre-sell residential apartments, which reduces the initial investment.
  • The government’s commitment is to buy residential apartments at a tariff from mass builders. Therefore, the risk of selling residential change is negligible.
The construction of an industrial town, the permit of which is issued by the Small Industries and Industrial Towns Organization of Iran, will not face any obstacles due to the adaptation of the proposed urban application plan. Especially since the land is also owned by the employer and this will facilitate the process of issuing the construction and development of the industrial town. On the other hand, the sheds in the project land will be able to be used as part of the spaces required for this project and reduce its construction costs. The project will also be able to receive a government support package.
It is better to allocate the main industrial units in this town to the goldsmith industry and related industries; And industries such as leather, production and supply of hospital equipment, etc. should be considered. The estimated cost for the construction of this town is 909,000,000,000 Rials, which is less than the first option.

The construction of a permanent and temporary exhibition is also unobstructed due to the adaptation of the plan to the proposed urban use and obtaining a permit. If this option is selected, the infrastructure will be provided by the government and due to the provision of services required by the city of Vastan and the growth of industrial development, the mode of approval and support of the governorate, municipality and chamber of commerce will be to promote and facilitate legal procedures. . The cost of this project will be less than the first option by estimating the amount of 934,000,000,000 Rials. Reduce.